Final Program
Friday 16th September 2016
9:00 to 10:30: Session #1:
* CloudAware: A Context-Adaptive Middleware for Mobile Edge and Cloud Computing Applications: Gabriel Orsini, Dirk Bade, and Winfried Lamersdorf
* How Beneficial Are Intermediate Layer Data Centers in Mobile Edge Networks: Amardeep Mehta, William Tärneberg, Cristian Klein, Johan Tordsson, Maria Kihl, and Erik Elmroth
* Application Orchestration in Mobile Edge Cloud: Placing of IoT Applications to the Edge:Attila Hegyi, Hannu Flinck, Istvan Ketyko, Pekka Kuure, Csaba Nemes, and Lajos Pinter
10.30 to 11.00: Break
10:30 to 12:30: Session #2:
* Towards Programmable Fog Nodes in Smart Factories:Mathias Santos De Brito, Saiful Hoque, Ronald Steinke, and Alexande Willner
* IoT Security Framework for Smart Cyber Infrastructures: Jesus Pacheco and Salim Hariri
* Enabling Low Latency Services on LTE Networks: Cesar A. Garcia-Perez and Pedro Merino
* A Fog Computing Based System for Selective Forwarding Detection in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks:Qussai Yaseen, Firas AlBalas, Yaser Jararweh, and Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub
12.30 to 14.00: Lunch