Conference Topics
* Software Defined Systems support for Cloud Computing .
* Software Defined Networking (SDN).
* SDN concepts, architecture, and APIs.
* Network Virtualization
* SDN and OpenFlow protocol
* Software Defined Radio
* Cognitive Radio Networks .
* Access Control models in SDN.
* Software Defined Storage.
* Software Defined Real Time Functions for Automation.
* Storage Automation and Abstraction.
* Policy-driven storage provisioning.
* Software Defined Servers and Virtualization.
* Software Defined Datacenters.
* Software Defined Security o Security policies automation.
* Autonomic Security in SDS.
* Autonomic Computing techniques.
* Real-time load prediction model to optimize the user satisfaction.
* Software Defined Systems Scalability.
* Software Defined Systems optimization.
* Software tools and frameworks to support SDS .
* Software Defined Systems challenges and opportunities
* Software Defined Systems surveys .
* Social engineering, insider threats system for SDS.
* Incident Handling and Penetration Testing with SDS.
* Software Defined Systems support if IoT.
* Security protocols and mechanisms in SDS.
* Security and privacy of mobile SDS based cloud computing
* Service-oriented architectures, service portability andP2P
* Network virtualization and cloud-based radio access networks