PhD Forum and Posters track
Call for Posters
The poster session provides an excellent opportunity to present early-stage or ongoing research, and to receive interesting and valuable feedback from conference attendees. We also strongly encourage student and industry submissions. Topics of interest are the same as those listed in the main conference call for papers. A Best Poster Award will be assigned by an independent review committee according to the quality of research work and the quality of poster presentation.
Submission instructions
Authors are required to submit a short paper describing the poster content. Specifically, this paper should clearly state: (a) the research problem being addressed including the current state of the art, (b) what makes this problem relevant, important, and challenging, (c) the approach to the problem, (d) the key contribution, and (e) the expected results. Submitted papers must present original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the 2-column IEEE conference format and may not exceed 2 letter-size (8.5 x 11 in) pages, including figures tables (references may extend beyond this limit up to 1 more page). All papers should be written in English and submitted electronically in PDF format via the submission site posted on this page. Authors do not submit the poster but only the short paper describing in text what the poster would present. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by a technical program committee and will be judged based on their novelty, relevance, technical strength as well as the potential to generate discussions. Papers not following these guidelines may be rejected without review. Also, submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the program chairs for further information or clarification.
Submission system
Papers should be submitted electronically by the deadline to
All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will be published by IEEE and included in the IEEE Xplore digital library.Presentation
At least one of the authors of every accepted poster must register at the conference and present the poster at the poster session. The recommended poster size is A0 (33.1 x 46.8 in, portrait orientation). The conference does not provide any support for printing posters. Typically, authors print their posters ahead of the conference.Call for PhD Forum
The PhD Forum provides a unique opportunity for PhD students to present their research work and to receive constructive feedback from their peers as well as experts in the field (including academics and practitioners) at the conference. The forum will also be an excellent occasion for stimulating fruitful interactions and developing person-to-person networks to the benefit of the PhD students in their future careers. The goal of this forum is to create opportunities for students to meet with peers outside of their home institution, to get technical feedback as well as career advice from established researchers in their field, to find out about internship and job opportunities, and to articulate their own work in a public, friendly forum. The presenters at the forum are expected to be PhD students in any phase of their doctoral studies. Topics of interest are the same as those listed in the main conference call for papers. We will try to offer remote video presentation options for authors who are unable to attend due to visa issues. A Best Student Paper Award will be assigned by an independent review committee according to the quality of research work and the quality of presentation.Submission instructions
Authors are required to submit a short paper describing their PhD dissertation research. Specifically, this paper should clearly state: (a) the research problem being addressed (or they intend to address) including the current state of the art, (b) what makes this problem relevant, important, and challenging, (c) the approach to the problem, (d) the key contribution, and (e) the expected results. The papers should be authored by the PhD student and indicate the name of her/his supervisor(s) and their affiliation. Submitted papers must present original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the 2-column IEEE conference format and may not exceed 4 letter-size (8.5 x 11 in) pages, including figures and tables (references may extend beyond this limit up to 1 more page). All papers should be written in English and submitted electronically in PDF format via the submission site posted on this page. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by a technical program committee and will be judged based on their novelty, relevance, technical strength as well as the potential to generate discussions. The technical program committee consists of experts in the field and will provide valuable and friendly feedback to the ongoing research work of participating students. Papers not following these guidelines may be rejected without review. Also, submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the program chairs for further information or clarification.
Submission system
Papers should be submitted electronically by the deadline to
All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will be published by IEEE and included in the IEEE Xplore digital library.Suggested content
● Abstract (maximum of 100 words). ● Clear statement of the identified research problem(s) and the context in which the problem(s) will be addressed. ● Summary (with appropriate references) of the state-of-the-art related to the identified problem(s) along with a clear restatement of the "gap" relative to the research problem(s). ● Statement explaining the approach and accomplished results (if any), possibly including citations to any published portions. ● Description of evaluation, including the intended quantitative/qualitative metrics (quantitative and/or qualitative). Early-stage PhD student should describe the evaluation plan including intended metrics (quantitative and/or qualitative). Students nearing the end of their PhD research should give a clear description of the evaluation, with metrics tied to the originally stated research goals. ● Conclusion: that includes a statement of the real or potential impact(s) of solving the identified research problem(s). ● Acknowledgements that properly recognize others' contributions to the work (supervisor(s), other graduate students, funding sources, etc.).Important dates
Track Chairs
* Leonardo Mostarda, University of Perugia, Italy* Abbas Cheddad, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden